The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
By LaPtiteLu
So, do you want to know about this big surprise?I have been working like crazy for 3 months…
I have spent my evening, my week end, my lunch time…
I even stopped watching series!
(Ok, I’m kiding, I can’t do that… )
to present you: The book of La ptite Lu !!
And it cost 15,50 Euros only !!
So you will tell me: Why would I buy your book
when I can read your comics on your blog for free?
This is a big mistake ! I have done a good job you know,
and in addition to the best stories of the blog, I have added
around 20 new stories which will only appear in the book !
So now, I need you help. Before to get published, I need to reach a target
of 50 buyers in 2 months. If we reach this target, you will receive the book at home !
In France, but also in Europe and everywhere else in the world!
3 euros delivery fees for Europe and 5 Euros for international.
You just have to click here, and pay…
What happen if we don’t reach the 50 buyers?
You get entirely reimbursed. And I get depressed.
What the book is about?
Me of course!
And my crazy adventures in China!
And since I’m so nice, I have translated
in French AND in english! The great thing is that if
you order the book now…You will get it for Xmas !!!!
The guy is saying: Oh! Great!
the Ptite Lu’s book, I’m very happy!
So? Will you buy my book?? You will make
my dream comes trues! You will make me sooo happy!
Oh, and dont forget to spread
this wonderful information on social media!
Click on the heart to buy the book!!!
The page is in French but I can help you if you need 😉
LaPtiteLuDecember 21
The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
LaPtiteLuOctober 26
This is a nice way to sweep away the bad mood clouds : a selfie with a stranger, a sweet word and the smile is back.When was the last time...
LaPtiteLuOctober 19
There are so many things we don’t know. And which hit you right in the head! Yup, I thought babies sleep well. Alone. In their bed. ALL NIGHT LONG. And...
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