--LAPTITELUDec 21, 2020
The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus real? Do we make him believe in all the...
LaPtiteLu 0
--LA PTITE LU IN CHINAOct 26, 2020
This is a nice way to sweep away the bad mood clouds : a selfie with a stranger, a sweet word and the smile is back.When was the last time your mood changed from dark to bright so...
LaPtiteLu 0
LaPtiteLuNovember 13
Taxi driver : I’m Chinese from Shanghai. La ptite Lu : I’m French… Taxi driver : From where ? La pti…
LaPtiteLuNovember 13
La ptite Lu :This is disgusting! How can he make such noises? Seriously, they are not civilized at…
LaPtiteLuNovember 12
So, do you want to know about this big surprise?I have been working like crazy for 3 months… I have…
LaPtiteLuNovember 12
In China, it is normal to ask the fapiao (official receipt) after a meal in a restaurant. It can all…
LaPtiteLuNovember 12
Shit! It’s raining! And I forgot my umbrella! Great, this guy is selling umbrella! The blue one will…