--LAPTITELUDec 21, 2020
The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus real? Do we make him believe in all the...
LaPtiteLu 0
--LA PTITE LU IN CHINAOct 26, 2020
This is a nice way to sweep away the bad mood clouds : a selfie with a stranger, a sweet word and the smile is back.When was the last time your mood changed from dark to bright so...
LaPtiteLu 0
LaPtiteLuJanuary 1
To you, your families and all those whom you love. May all your wishes come true and I hope that you…
LaPtiteLuDecember 1
Big news for all the smartphones addict, there is a La Ptite Lu wechat account! You can follow her h…