Today, let’s do some exercice… It has been a while so let’s do that gently… First, let’s strech a bi…
LaPtiteLuNovember 12
Today, let’s do some exercice… It has been a while so let’s do that gently… First, let’s strech a bi…
LaPtiteLuNovember 12
Here is a video I wanted to show you. I didn’t do anything about it except dating its director / edi…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
Today I want to tell you about a documentary I watched this weekend which changed the way I ‘ll eat…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
Last pictures from Germany. It ends with those images of mountains, snowy Christmas trees, little ch…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
Sunny sunday, breakfast is on the terrace and suddenly TH notices the mess of the neighbor. fourth v…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
Between 2 beers and a pretzel, we went a little further in the south to Prague in the Czech Republic…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
We definitely didn’t spend enough time in Berlin. You really need more than 3 or 4 days. I dont thi…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
– So, let’s see what’s happen in France recently… – Sunday 13 rd January, 800 000 people against gay…
After a long and tough selection among all the pictures, here you can see a bit of my 2 weeks in Ger…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
La Ptite Lu : It is so cool in Germany ! There is no limitation speed on the high way ! Her sister :…
LaPtiteLuNovember 11
And since I know I have a few english spoken readers, I have decided to translate all my next post i…