The ECO-friendly tips N°4 of LaPtiteLu

20 September 2017 at 15 h 30 min


Yes, I’m crazy. Iphone 8 and X just came out and I’m telling you to not buy them.

Because smartphones are an ecological disaster! It is the manufacturing phase that devours the most electricity and carries the largest share of pollution in the life cycle of a smartphone, with nearly 3/4 of CO2 emissions. Knowing that smartphones are very few to be recycled, it makes a lot of arguments against them.

In 2016, in China, users keep their phones 20.2 months on average before updating to a new one. In Europe 21.6 months.

I know smartphones don’t have a very long life expectancy but still… let’s not fall into the trap of overconsumption.

Stop wanting the last gadget to show off and as long as your phone works, take care of it to make it last as long as possible.

Mine just turn 40 months. I’m addicted… and faithful 😉

And you, how long do you keep your phone?

