The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
By LaPtiteLu
When the coronavirus was only in China, I was not worried about our health. It was easy to reassure my family and friends in France. I was not lying to them saying that we were fine. The measures deployed by China seemed extreme, however they were effective and reassuring.
Unfortunately the virus has travelled.
And now, I admit, I am worried. Worry for my family and friends in France, but also for my whole country and the rest of the world which seem to be overwhelmed by this virus.
And you, how do you do during this period? Is your family confined? Do you call them every day with a thousand recommendations like me?
I sincerely hope that all your love ones are well.
I wish a lot of courage to all of you and a good week, either you are confined, quarantined or free as a bird.
LaPtiteLuDecember 21
The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
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This is a nice way to sweep away the bad mood clouds : a selfie with a stranger, a sweet word and the smile is back.When was the last time...
LaPtiteLuOctober 19
There are so many things we don’t know. And which hit you right in the head! Yup, I thought babies sleep well. Alone. In their bed. ALL NIGHT LONG. And...
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