The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
By LaPtiteLu
At the beginning, I was very careful about my weight increment and I watched every single additional kilogram taken at each gynecologist appointment.
But after 8 months of pregnancy and a lot of extra kilos, I gave up. I don’t want to know anymore, ignorance is bliss. 2 or 3 more kilos won’t make a big difference seing my state.
And you, pregnant or not, is the scale your nightmare or your friend?
Anyway, have good Monday! And f**ck the scale!
LaPtiteLuDecember 21
The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
LaPtiteLuOctober 26
This is a nice way to sweep away the bad mood clouds : a selfie with a stranger, a sweet word and the smile is back.When was the last time...
LaPtiteLuOctober 19
There are so many things we don’t know. And which hit you right in the head! Yup, I thought babies sleep well. Alone. In their bed. ALL NIGHT LONG. And...
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